Steve&Angela FunTV

Steve&Angela FunTV


縣市地區:桃園市 > 桃園區

造訪商家: 心玥水餃
Frozen dumplings are essential in my family. It's so convenient to have in stock, so you can easily whip up a dinner within half hour. Since I got pregnant a few months ago, I really learn to appreciate quick homemade meal. Xin Yue Dumplings has 5 different flavors, and can be delivered right to your door. Xin Yue Dumplings use wholesome food as ingredients and omit all unnecessary additives. With a little creative twist, a delicious gourmet meal can be so easy. 
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Xin Yue Dumplings
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Xin Yue Dumplings are packaged in a very unique way. Very pleasing to the eyes.
You can easily separate the flavor by the color of the dumplings. These color wrapper are all made from natural ingredients, not by using chemical food coloring.
Xin Yue Dumplings have 5 different flavors, including Cabbage Scallion, Cheesy Corn, Creamy Salmon, Chives Shrimp, and Vegetarian. (The first 4 flavors have pork inside as well.)
Manufactured Date is listed on every package. My dumplings were made from one day before delivering to my house.
Making potstickers are best using flat pan. This is one of our favorite ways to make dumplings, it's perfect for the hot summer days.
Potstickers are actually made partially panfried and partially steamed, so you would need to add water during the cooking process. I like to add the flour/water mixture, so it came out with a perfect golden crust on the bottom. 
Making potstickers require no techniques at all, it's going to have golden crunchy crust every time.
Chives Shrimp:
We love chives dumplings in our family, and I am trying to eat all the chives I can before giving birth. (Chives reduces production of breast milk) Chives dumplings are more heavy in flavors, so you don't need any dipping sauce. Every dumpling has a whole shrimp inside with shredded carrots. It's both healthy and delicious. 
I figured the creamy mushroom sauce will go perfectly with Xin Yue's Creamy Salmon Dumplings.
It takes no time to make the sauce!
Xin Yue Dumplings are bigger when its cooked. 
口味比較清淡。因為我們家很喜歡吃魚,平時吃海鮮比吃豬、牛、羊肉還要多,所以我有時間都會自己包鮪魚或鮭魚水餃,但是魚肉比較細嫩,做出來的水餃往往口感都沒有一般豬肉水餃那麼好吃。但是心玥水餃的奶油鮭魚真的讓我對魚肉水餃大改觀,不要以為是魚肉就會綿綿尼狀的口感,因為有添加蔬菜,包括高麗菜、洋蔥、荸薺,讓水餃本身多了脆脆的口感,以鮭魚為底的紅色內餡配上部份黑豬肉餡料,和綠色的外皮成為對比,最後配上我自己做的菇菇奶油醬,把奶油味增添了另一個層次。(P.S. 外皮涼了之後比較Q喔!)
Creamy Salmon:
I used to make my own tuna or salmon fish dumplings since we are fan of seafood, but fish dumplings never turn out having the same texture as regular meat dumplings. It's usually mushy and lack of texture. That's why we are so impressed by Xin Yue's Salmon Dumplings. The cabbage, Chinese water chestnut and onion mix with salmon and pork really elevate the fish dumplings to a different level. I would say the name of the dumplings, "creamy salmon", is not exactly creamy as we thought it is. The "creamy" is more referring to salmon texture, and the dumplings go so well with my homemade mushroom creamy sauce.
It's time to make vegetarian dumplings, and I decided to make my marinara sauce to go with it. 
I like to make my own pasta sauce, from red sauce, pesto, to even creamy sauce. They are 100% more delicious when it's homemade!
Can tomato is so useful in my household. Not only for making pasta sauce, salsa is a great recipe to utilize can tomato too.
You have to add some cheese in the last minutes to thickening the sauce.
Xin Yue's vegetarian dumplings taste unexpectedly good. There are a lot of filling inside, and I actually forgot it's vegetarian when I was eating it. You can taste some crunch from the black fungus and baby corn. Very well balanced seasoning.
Check out how cute these dumplings are!
Cheesy Corn:
I like corn kernels in the dumplings. When you bite into it, the juice inside the corn kernels bust into your mouth. It's so good. The cooked Xin Yue Dumplings look so plump and fluffy. I actually didn't get much of cheesy flavor, maybe it's because I am a huge fan of cheese. But it goes well with my pumpkin soup and jalapeno grilled cheese sandwich. Even if you are not a big fan of cheeses, you should still give this a try!
Who says you can only have salsa with tacos?! 
Cabbage Scallions:
Cabbage scallions is a classic flavor for dumplings. To be honest, I didn't find particularly anything special about this flavor. But don't get me wrong, it's still tasty. Xin Yue Dumplings are not only great in flavor profile, but they also put a lot of thought into their dumplings' presentation. Not only Xin Yue Dumplings come in colorful wrappers, But it also add little pop of color in the filling inside.
After boiling the dumplings, you can dip it in the cool water for a couple seconds. The dumpling wrapper becomes so chewy and goes so well as a cold dish with homemade salsa.
I love the little drawing direction. Kids or even people who can't read Chinese can easily understand how to make Xin Yue Dumplings. They even provide some alternative recipe for people to try. The ingredient list is definitely the cleanest that I have ever seen. With a baby in my belly, I am trying to keep my body away from all unnecessary additives and unnatural products.
1. 心玥水餃很大顆,像是我媽媽平常一餐要吃10-12顆,心玥水餃差不多6-8顆就超級有飽足感了,所以雖然一個包裝只有18顆,但是真的可以多吃幾餐。
2. 心玥水餃口味上真的很好吃,而且不會太鹹,給予大家調味及烹煮的彈性。即使是蔬菜口味的,也很好吃,口感不會因為是只有蔬菜而少了原本肉類的口感,因為心玥水餃加入一些可以替代肉類口感的木耳、玉米筍,真的很特別。
3. 心玥水餃的皮很薄,所以其實不用煮太久,煮太久比較容易破掉,大家可能要注意一下烹煮的時間。
4. 雖然心玥水餃的包裝一顆顆分開,可以避免水餃在冷凍庫黏在一起,很貼心的包裝,但是感覺有點過度包裝,未來希望可以能夠有更環保的包裝。
5. 心玥水餃全部手工製作,所以水餃的生產成本真的比較高,相對的,比大部分市售的水餃還要貴很多,如果可以和地方小農合作並使用當季食材,應該可以降低成本,對市場的接受度可能會大幅提升。
Overall, I did enjoy having Xin Yue Dumplings. The following are some comments and thoughts I have about the Xin Yue Dumplings. 
1. Xin Yue Dumplings are quite large in size after it's cooked. I was kind of surprised, since I can't tell from the frozen size. It usually takes 10-12 regular size dumplings for one person's meal, but you would probably only be able to finish 6-8 Xin Yue Dumplings.
2. We enjoy every single flavors from Xin Yue Dumplings, especially we were very impressed by their vegetarian flavor. It doesn't taste like vegetarian at all. With baby corn and black fungus added into their dumplings, it adds an unique texture that is similar to regular non-vegetarian dumplings. Xin Yue Dumplings let their ingredients to be the star of the flavor. It's not overly salty, so people can flavor to however they like.
3. Xin Yue Dumplings have very thin wrappers, so it doesn't take a lot of time to cook. Overcooking the dumplings might lead to wrappers falling apart from the fillings.
4. I think Xin Yue Dumplings are a little overpackaged. Don't get me wrong, I think the presentation is great. Really pleasing to the customer's eyes. And I understand they don't want their dumplings stick together while being frozen, and it helps for an easier cooking process. But I hope they can look into more environmental friendly packaging in the near future.
5. Xin Yue Dumplings are relatively higher in cost compare with most other brands in the market. I appreciate all the wholesome ingredients inside their dumplings, but maybe Xin Yue Dumplings can work with local farmers and incorporate fresh seasonal produce to lower the cost.
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