



縣市地區:台北市 > 萬華區


Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)




店內每道小吃都用心烹調,用餐環境乾淨、上菜有效率,服務態度也很棒,這幾點非常值得一提,因為台灣大部份傳統小吃名店,除了餐點好吃外,其它都有待改進,「兩喜號」西園店 樹立了很好的指標,不僅是為了慶祝創業百年重新裝潢,也在上菜效率,服務態度上都有所改善,最重要的是,大部份的店員都是中高齡,證明只要有心都能做到以客為尊的成效,年齡真的不是問題。

Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store


Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store

接著品嚐的是這盤 「現炸鮮蝦捲兩條」(NT$35/盤),自從去年電影「孤味」票房大賣後,一時之間全台掀起蝦捲潮,台北當然也有很多賣蝦捲的小吃名店,「兩喜號」西園店的蝦捲一盤兩條,份量不算多,現點現炸斜切上桌,看得到內餡飽滿的蝦仁,外皮炸得香酥脆,佐以獨門調醬,吃來別有一番滋味!

Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store


Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store


Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store Second visit of Taiwan traditional food store 「The Squip soup & the dry noodle store  


兩喜號 Liang Xi Hao西園店

官       網 : https://liangxihao.com/

FB粉絲頁 : 兩喜號 Liang Xi Hao菜單




地       址:台北市萬華區西園路一段194號


電       話:(02)2336-1129 


營業時間:週一到週日10:00 ~ 23:30


地       址:台北市萬華區廣州街245號
電       話:(02)2336-6887
營業時間:週一到週日16:00 ~ 24:00



創作者 SJKen的浮光掠影 的頭像

SJKen 的浮光掠影(影評‧美食‧旅行與創作生活手記)





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